Storm Safety
Should severe weather arrive, MLEC will be on alert to minimize and repair any damage to the power system as quickly and safely as possible.

Generator Safety
A portable generator can supply electricity to you if an emergency exists during an outage. Before plugging in, MLEC wants you to build safety into your outage survival plan.

Winter Storms
When ice builds up, the added weight can break trees, poles and wires leading to power outages. MLEC crews will work to restore power, but there are a few things you can do to prepare.

Avoiding Scams
Headlines about scams of all types are all too familiar these days. Our goal is to arm you with information to be protected and to follow in-house safety protocol to keep your information safe.

Power Line Safety
What to do when automobile accidents involve power lines. Damaged power lines may still be electrified even if you can’t see visible signs. Always assume that power lines are energized.

Planned Outages
Keeping your lights on for daily living is MLEC's core business. We conduct high volume work jobs throughout the year, which can result in planned outages.

Move Over Law TN
MLEC line crews frequently work busy roadways, often only feet from passing cars. Move over if possible to give them a little extra space to work. It's the law.