MLConnect Battery Backup Device
To avoid an internet or phone interruption during a power outage, many devices require a battery backup. This is especially helpful for phones to maintain the ability to contact 911 emergency services. As such, MLConnect offers a battery backup purchase option ($100, plus tax - subject to change).
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MLConnect strives to provide quality phone, world-class broadband and hometown service. Meeting this commitment requires following these standards:
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Copies available by email or visit any MLEC/MLConnect office.

MLConnect RV Equipment Enclosure
For RVs and other mobile home units (moveable with wheels)
With RV and other moveable structures, equipment is at risk creating a service reliability issue. As such, these locations are required to have an enclosure for MLConnect equipment before the drop and installation can be completed.
For convenience, these can be purchased from MLEC ($325 plus tax - subject to change), or they can be purchased directly at:
Alternate enclosures can be used; however, they must be pre-approved and meet these required specifications:
- Dimensions: 14x12x8
- Be weatherproof.
- Include ventilation AND a fan.
- Contain at least 2 outlets.
Kenneth Dunavant, MLConnect Outside Plant Supervisor
Phone: 931-296-2581, ext. 4023
Eric Hickerson, MLConnect Outside Plant Supervisor, South Area
Phone: 931-729-7266
FCC Announces End to Affordable Connectivity Program
The ACP (Affordable Connectivity Program) has ended (April 2024) and is no longer available. The federally funded program allowed eligible recipients to receive a $30.00 credit to reduce their internet bill. Some subscribers may be eligible for another Federal Communications Commission program called Lifeline. Visit to learn more. For additional information regarding the ACP, please go to: