MLConnect Battery Backup Device
To avoid an internet or phone interruption during a power, many devices require a battery backup. This is especially helpful for phones to maintain the ability to contact 911 emergency services. As such, MLConnect offers a battery backup purchase option ($100, plus tax - subject to change).
Need To Know
To best serve you, MLConnect devoted a considerable amount of time to researching battery backup devices. The Precision Power model is recommended as the most compatible with our equipment. It will provide the MLConnect ONT (optical network terminal attached to your wall) enough power to supply 24 hours of phone service. If other items are plugged in as well, the backup time shortens. For example, if the ONT and residential gateway (see attached) for voice and internet are both using the battery backup, it reduces the battery time to approximately 5 hours.
This is a purchased product. You are responsible for obtaining, monitoring, replacing, and properly disposing of all batteries for the backup battery. MLConnect recommends testing the battery backup at least twice (2x) a year to ensure it is operating properly.
Failure to test or maintain your battery backup may result in loss of voice service during a power outage, including loss of access to Emergency 911 and other services.
New units, Y-cables, and replacement batteries may be purchased at your local MLEC office and typically available for pick up the next day. They can also be purchased directly through Precision Power’s website at https://precisionpowersolutions.com.