
Home Insulation Program

One of the biggest energy thieves in your home is inadequate insulation, and it affects the amount of your heating and cooling bills.


Heat Pump Program

No matter the weather outside, an energy-efficient electric heat pump keeps your home comfortable inside all year. Check with us for guidance and financing details.



Contact MLEC Energy Specialist Nathan Wagner with your energy related concerns!


New Homes Program

Planning to build or in the market for a new home? Let MLEC help by providing guidance on what to look for with energy efficiency.


DIY Home Energy Assessment

Identify where you could save energy with a DIY home assessment. Move room to room, answering questions about your home's energy use.


Home Energy Evaluation

Free, virtual or in-person professional evaluation of your home’s energy-saving potential with recommended energy tips for your specific home. We're here to help!

Home Energy Workshop

Learn low-cost, no-cost and DIY tips on making your home more energy efficient with free, virtual workshops. We are here to show you the ropes.


Water Heaters

Water heated for cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. accounts for a good portion of your home's energy bill. Contact us for energy details.


Virtual Solar Education

Interested in solar for your home? The Virtual Solar Education is a one-stop, self-service platform that teaches you the ins and outs.


Green Switch

Support renewable energy generated in the Tennessee Valley by participating in Green Switch. Click here for helpful details.