TVA Issues Public Curtailments

MLEC Shares Guidelines for Members
(January 16, 2024– Centerville, TN) —Extreme cold temperatures combined with energy demands across the Tennessee Valley Authority service territory have caused TVA to implement public curtailments starting at 1:00 p.m. Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative is taking steps in-house to conserve energy and asks members to follow TVA’s request to help maintain a stable power grid.
Until further notice, residents are asked to reduce power consumption by delaying the use of large appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and electric dryers during the peak hours (6 AM to 10 AM). Also, turn off unnecessary devices and lights, and when possible, adjust thermostats down a degree or two.
MLEC is a local electric distribution cooperative that purchases its power from TVA. As part of the agreement, MLEC is required to support TVA in electric load curtailments to maintain reliability during rare circumstances such as winter weather events.
“MLEC apologizes for this inconvenience to members,” said MLEC President and CEO Keith Carnahan. “We are taking every step in-house to comply with TVA and hope members follow as well to ensure a reliable power grid for all members.”
During frigid temperatures, MLEC also understands the importance of safety while following curtailment guidelines. We encourage members to check on elderly or disabled neighbors to ensure they remain warm throughout the night. For other safety tips and energy efficiency questions, visit
MLEC is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric utility that serves more than 34,500 meters in Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, Lewis and Perry counties. We are your source for power and broadband and help build brighter futures for the communities we serve. Learn more at