MLEC Heat Pump Program
No matter the weather outside, an energy-efficient heat pump will keep your home comfortable all year long! Installed by an MLEC Quality Contract Network (QCN) contractor, a new heat pump also saves heating and cooling dollars. Check with us for guidance and financing details. Rebates up to $1500 available. Some requirements apply.
You can also help your new or existing heat pump run more efficiently by changing the filter regularly. Purchase filters at most home or general merchandise stores. You can also order in multiple quantities at these and other online suppliers:

MLEC Heat Pump Program
Feature: On-Bill Financing
Minimum Loan: $2,500
Maximum Loan: $20,000
Term: 10 years
Annual Interest: 8%
Eligibility (minimum): At least 1 year of permanent service and minimum 625 credit score.
3rd-Party Partner: Regions Bank
The Energy Right® Residential Services Program, a partnership between Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative (MLEC) and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), provides a simple way to help you use energy wisely!
Get started the right way by selecting a Quality Contractor Network (QCN) member for the highest level of professionalism, quality, and expertise.